Basketball Tips for Dribbling That Works

Basketball dribbing

This basketball tips for dribbling is the best article on the web of its kind, so if you want to know how to perform better at basketball dribbling, then don’t stop reading until you get to the very last word on this page, it will help you a lot, dribbling is a very attractive thing to do in basketball, it will help you and your teammates, 

and if you are good at it, you will be able to get yourself some few fans and you will also be loved by your coach, although there are other things you must do in order for you to get all of that
You see all these basketball stars that are doing well in dribbling, 

they didn’t do it with magic, it is possible for them to do because they know some few things that you don’t, they are loved by their fans because of the dedication they did in the past, the hundreds of exercise and more, reading articles like this will also help you become like them, even more than them, but first you have to believe.

So if you want to know how to become better at basketball dribbling, just give me 2 minutes of your time, you won’t regret it

What is dribbling in basketball?

Dribbling in basketball is almost the same thing in the other sports like, soccer, football, etc, it is the act of performing some tricky moves in order to fool your opponents and get pass them to accomplish your goal, 

this goal can be to successfully pass the ball to your teammate, score a goal or to move away from the offense in order to have a clear and enough time to think of the next important move.

Why is dribbling important in basketball?

Just like in every other sport, dribbling is a very important factor, because it creates opportunity for you to accomplish your plan, dribbling skill in basketball will help your team own the most possession of the ball, and this also means your chance of scoring more goals is rest assured, although you still need a good scorer in order to accomplish this, but it start from the dribbling

Basketball tips for dribbling

Don’t look at the ball

One big mistake that you can ever make is fixing your eyes on the ball while dribbling, this very dangerous, if you keep looking at the ball when dribbling, it will cause your eyes to be dizzy, you can try that by yourself to see what i am saying, 

fixing your eyes on the ball will also make you loose focus on where you to send the ball to, so whenever you are dribbling, make sure your eyes are fixed on your target rather than the ball.

Use only your fingers

Using your fingers to bounce the ball is the only correct way to dribble or bounce ball when it comes to basketball tips for dribbling, if you don’t use your fingers to bounce the ball, you are going to have a negative result, especially if you use the surface of your palm to bounce the ball, if you do this you’re going to reduce the velocity of the ball, which will result in a very bad dribble.

If you use your fist to bounce the ball, you will commit a foul, so the only way you should be handling your ball is by using your fingers, this will also become very easy for you to do

Bounce the ball gently

There's no need of bouncing the ball vigorously, if you want to get the maximum result, then bounce the ball with care, instead of bouncing it vigorously, you can just do it with ease, this will give you the opportunity to make a clean shot.

Shield the ball using your other arm or body

When dribbling, you want to keep your opponent from snatching the ball from you, and you can’t do that only with dribbling, you should also support your dribbling with a protective move, 

this is by shielding the ball with your body or your other arm, if you are bouncing the ball with your right hand, then you can use your left hand to shield it in order to create an obstacle for your opponents, you can also use your body for this.

Maintain your balance

When dribbling, make sure you maintain your balance, balance is almost everything, no matter how good you are at dribbling in basketball, if you don’t have balance, then it will not be effective, so whatever it is that you do, make sure you pay a good attention to your balance, don’t let over excitement cause you to lose your balance

Can a beginner start dribbling in basketball?

The short answer to this is yes, if you are a beginner, you can still dribble, but when you are playing with people that have some experience in basketball, then you are going to be extremely awkward, and you are also going to cause a lot of fouls

So the main answer to this is a big no, if you want to know how to dribble, then you need to engage with people that are better than you, and since you can’t dribble this people without making a lot of fouls, then you can’t really start dribbling as a beginner in basketball you need time and patience, because it will not happen overnight, so spend more time practicing how to do it rather than planning to do it.

Basketball tips for beginners

Basketball is a very fun game, and the good thing about it is, anyone can play it, even if you haven't heard of it before, it is a simple game but clearly has a lot of fun included in it, so if you are interested in starting out in basketball, after reading this basketball tips for dribbling, 

you can read the complete guide to basketball for beginners, in that guide I covered every area in basketball that will take you from ground level to becoming a good basketball player with time.

So feel free to check it out, and even if you are already a basketball player, there are some things you don’t know read the guide to find out

Final thoughts on basketball tips for dribbling that works

That’s all about it, if you love this article, you can simply say thanks in the comments section, or if you have questions you would like to ask about basketball, then you can also do that too, you are always welcome to express yourself here.

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