Basketball Tips and Tricks You Should know

Basketball tips and tricks

This basketball tips and tricks will improve your basketball playing expertise,
it is a promise, but you also need to put in a lot of seriousness in order to get
The maximum results and here is the best part
Getting better at basketball is a dream that can be achieved by anyone, including
you, all you need is to pay a close attention, memorise those words every time
you are on the pitch, so without wasting any more time, let’s talk about the
Basketball tips and tricks

If you're looking for a detailed guide to basketball tips for beginners, check it out here

Basketball rules

I think it will make more sense if i help you recall the basketball rules that
you need to follow, especially if you’re a beginner, you need to keep these rules,

  1. The ball can be thrown in any direction using either one or two hands
  2. The ball can be batted at any direction
  3. A player cannot run with the ball
  4. You can only hold the ball in or between the hands
  5. You must never shoulder, hold, strike, push or trip your opponent
  6. You cannot strike the ball with your fist, its a foul

if you are looking for a more detailed article about basketball rules, you can
Check it out on Wikipedia

How to get better at basketball shooting

Of course, shooting is one of the most important aspects of basketball game,
If you want to get better at shooting basketball, then you need to practice these

  1. Stay focused
  2. Hold the ball right
  3. Stand balanced
  4. Release the ball at the right time
  5. Shoot the ball right

I’ve written a complete guide on tips for shooting basketball, if you are looking
Ways to become better at shooting, then you should check it out

Basketball tips

Train often

You will become better at something when you are more committed to it, when you give
it your time and seriousness, and it is the same with basketball, if you want to become
Better at it, then you should dedicate your time and seriousness to it
When it is time to go for training, rush to the pitch and put in all your effort
Even when others are not training, you should train, if they are training twice a
Week, then you should train thrice or more

Put all your effort

One more thing you should do is, try to put in all your effort, you shouldn’t just train often, but you should also try to put in the proper amount of effort needed, the more effort you put, the better, get this into your head
And whenever you are practicing, you should to memorize this sentence; it will help you improve, a lot

Study the game

Sometimes, you become thrilled to the point that you forgot you are supposed to be studying the game while playing, whenever you are playing or training, you are suppose to learn a new skill that will help you perform better.
Basketball is not just a game of exercising the muscles, it is a game that is powered by the mental health, so instead of putting too much time and power into it, you should accompany those things with study, always try to learn a new skill whenever you are on the pitch, that’s the spirit.

Do not fear

Fear can ruin your basketball life, in fact, fear is not something that will be encouraged by anyone, it destroys the potential in you, so you must get rid of it, whether you are about to play with your opponents and start having this strong emotion
Or you are just trying to give your best, the fear will not help you acquire that, it will only make you worst, so instead of taking the game as a competition, just take it as a fun, a game that you pay with your family to pass time
When you do this, you will perform even better, you know, you are always nervous whenever you are in a competition, you will also be so desperate to win, but the more you do this, the more you fail,

Know your role

You will be more likely to perform better when you are given a specific task to do, that’s why every member of your team has their own roles, to make things easier and smooth for the players and to also make the game look more professional

So it you don’t know your role, there is no point in playing, because just like everyone else, you are given a specific thing to do, and you should also understand that your own role is also very important in the game, that is why it is created in the first place
So whatever role you find yourself, try to do what you are supposed to do and do it well

Know why you start

This is a very big factor, whenever you feel like you want to quit, just think for a second why you started in the first place, did you start to quit or do you start to accomplish something, if you start to quit, then fine,
You can quit, but if you started for a reason, always put that reason on your mind, and you should also see that, every basketball player also starts with a reason, so since, they are still playing, you should too

Basketball tricks

Spin move

This trick is my favorite dribbling trick, it will help you play your opponent really well, if you are at the point where you have your opponent around, this spin move will help you get away with the ball in peace
Your hand should stay on the ball rather than under, because, if your hand goes under, you may get stopped for a carrying violation, while the ball is still in your hand, you plant your side foot and reverse around the defender

Hesitation dribble

This trick is also very important and useful, you can overcome your opponent with this crazy trick, here is how it works; as you are dribbling down the court, you slow down for a second and slightly act like you’re going to shoot or pass the ball,
At this point, the defender will think you want to stop for a time, and when they lose their momentum

Behind the back

This trick is the one that involves the player bouncing and passing the ball from one hand to the other behind the player, when bouncing the ball with a single hand and a defender attacks you, you can use the behind the back trick to keep the defender away from tackling the ball from you.
You can also use this trick to buy some time for yourself to allow find focus and target before shooting, this trick can be really helpful if you practice it often

Through the legs

This trick is also very important, but it can also be tricky at times, most times, beginners do it wrongly and end up having a bad result, this through the leg trick as it sounds is the trick that allows the player to pass the ball from one hand to the other while passing the ball through your legs
When you do this, you can prevent the defender from tackling the ball from you, because your front leg will keep the defender away from the ball while giving you the opportunity to pass the ball to the other hand which you have set behind you

In and out

This trick is very useful, you can use this trick to make the defender to think you want to make a move, meanwhile you are standing on the same spot or moving to another direction,
While bouncing the ball in one hand, you will make a gesture with your shoulder and head like you want to move to a new direction and if the defender tries to move to the direction, you come back to your present position allowing him to move away and give you some space


The crossover basketball trick is one of the most used trick, in fact, it is part of the first trick every beginner will do when starting out, if you’ve been playing basketball for some time now, you must have heard of this trick
And if you are just starting out, you already know about the crossover trick but just don’t realize its name, the crossover trick involves a player bouncing the ball and passing it from one hand to the other all In the front of the player
With this trick, you only have to do it when there is no defender in front of you, or if the defender is far away in front of you, if you do it when a defender is close to you, it will be easy for the defender to poke the ball away from you,

Final thoughts on basketball tips and tricks

While this basketball tips and tricks can really help you, you should also understand that it takes time, so in order to stay positive while working on improving your basketball career, you should put these tips to practice
Whenever you are in the court, try to practice these tips repeatedly until you get it right, you can also bookmark this page and come back to it every time for reference, if you have any question or anything you want to say, you can leave it in the comment section bellow