How to Shoot Better at Basketball

Man shooting a basketball

Hello there, in this blog post I am going to be sharing with you, exactly how to shoot better at basketball, first of all, I should let you know that there’s really nothing complicated about learning how to shoot in basketball or learning how to play basketball,

Everything relies on how serious you are how you believe in yourself, I know how I was performing in basketball 6 months ago

And compared to today, I've really improved, even if I don’t have a coach that will teach me and tell me when I make some wrong moves, so before you even start reading this guide or starting to get into the art of playing basketball

Get rid of anything that will make you think that you cant learn, there are lot of people complaining about not having a coach or people to practice with, as long as there's a court or somewhere flat and solid, you don’t have to worry about any of those other stuffs,

Okay, lets skip the fluff, below I am going to show you how to shoot in basketball, there’s nothing complicated about it, I was also looking for a good list of basketball shooting tips that will improve my shooting ability, 

And I did a little research, and below are what I’ve found out that is working for me and many others, and that will also work for you, if you do it right.

Ive also written a complete guide to basketball for beginners, so read it if you think you really need improvement

Other related posts:

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How to improve basketball playing ability

Almost every new basketball player will ask this question, which is the main reason why I chose to answer it just before answering the big question that brought you to this page, learning how to improve your basketball playing ability is quite straight forward

All you need to do is to commit yourself to the game, practice a lot, watch a lot of basketball videos and also sharing learning from basketball blogs

Because it worked for me, I believe it will work for you too, really. While I was starting out in learning basketball, I had no idea what I was doing, because there’s no coach and no one to practice with, I almost felt like giving up

But when I started reading blogs and watching a lot of basketball videos on youtube, everything changed drastically, so today, if any beginner asks me how to improve basketball playing ability, the answer wouldn’t be complete without telling them to

Watch a lot of basketball videos, read a lot of blogs and practice often, and that’s what I am telling you to do too.

Importance of shooting in basketball

Shooting is one of the major thing in basketball, come to think of it, if you want to pass, you need to know how to shoot, if you want to score goals, you need to know how to shoot, in almost everything you do in basketball, shooting will be included in one way or the other.

Shooting is important, because it will increase your scoring ability, your passing accuracy and it will also help you perform better at basketball.

How to shoot better at basketball

1. Keep your wrist flexible

One of the biggest mistakes you will make when trying to shoot is keeping your wrist fixed, this will give you the worst shooting result, try it even without a ball and you will see the effect,

and one thing that most beginners do is keeping their wrist fixed, if you are a beginner, keep this in mind, never keep your wrist fixed, it will result in bad shots

2. Lock your target

Lock your target and lock it on time, don’t allow negative thoughts or anything to distract you, keep your eyes fixed to the rim while you’re planning to shoot, with this, 

you will be able to improve your shooting accuracy, most people will try to fool their opponent by looking at other direction to make their opponent think they are going that direction before they carry out to shoot, meanwhile, it is a good dribbling practice, but it is not a good practice in shooting, you can use that skill to dribble, not to shoot

3. Shoot before reaching your peak

Most people will try to shoot at their peak, like Kobe Bryant, it is a good practice for him, but you should find practice that is also good for you, because what work for him may not work for you, shoot before reaching your highest jump height

4. Relax your elbows

I’ve told you that it will be a bad shot if you keep your wrist fixed, it is also the same for your elbows, keeping your elbows fixed is very bad, in fact, you wont be able to shoot when your elbows are fixed, but the best thing to do is to keep it as flexible as possible

5. Jump and land forward

While I was learning from one basketball coach’s youtube channel, I learnt that landing a bit forward from your standing point after shooting will improve your shooting accuracy, I thought it was a random advice, but when I tried it, the result was amazing, 

When you jump and land in the same position while shooting, the ball will likely just go up and land in almost the same place where you are, or it will go a little bit further, now you can jump and land in the same position when you are very close to the tower

But when you are some distance away from it, you will also need to jump and land a bit further to make the ball travel further, just try it, I might not be explaining it to the core, but just try it, you will see for yourself 

Also read:

Basketball tips for offense


that’s all about how to shoot better at basketball, now what? If you ask me, I will say you should go out when you are chanced and try to put this to practice, learning is good, but learning something that you wont use is a total waste of time, 

so write these tips down and when next you are going to the court or you are going to practice, apply it and see how it is going to positively impact your shooting accuracy, I hope you enjoyed reading this article, if you do, please, kindly share it with others, and if you have anything to say, don’t hesitate to leave it in the comment section, thank you for stopping by