Basketball Tips for Beginners|The complete guide

A young basketball player

This is the best article on the web about Basketball tips for beginners, even though there are lot of articles on the web already talking about this same topic, I’ve spent more time making this research, I’ve compiled all the necessary information you will ever need about this topic, and here is the best part; 

this article is like a table of contents but with a lot more details written in it, I’ve broken down all the little topics that are related to basketball tips for beginners on this page, so if you are a beginner in basketball, you want to start playing basketball or you are just looking for what will help you perform better at basketball, 

then you can throw all your load on here and we will settle the case together with you, I’ve also provided a comment section where you can express yourself, you can ask anything related to getting better at basketball, you can just say thanks and you also have the option to share this post with other people that will find it useful too, of course sharing is caring

So if you have any problem regarding basketball, I urge you to bring it to this table and you will go back with a smiling face, I can’t predict the future but I still can’t lie to you, so if you can just trust in me for a minute, you are going to find out this for yourself. 

I've also written the full list of basketball rules, so read it too.

Before we even start talking about the main topic, let me start from the most basic level, it may look strange and unnecessary to you, but like i said, i want to start from the most basic level, so that even if you haven’t heard of the term basketball before, this article will be able to set you up and put you on the court.

Other Articles:

How to shoot better in basketball

Basketball tips for offense

Basketball tips for short players

Basketball tips for defense

Basketball tips for tryouts

What is Basketball?

Question mark

Basketball is a game that is played on a rectangular court, where players of two separate teams will have to oppose each other and play, each of the team will try as hard as they can to win, however, they may end up playing draws.

The origin of Basketball

Basketball as a game was invented by James Naismith on 1st December 1891 at the international young men Christian association also know as YMCA, Naismith was an instructor in physical education, you can read the brief history of basketball here

How is basketball played?

Basketball is basically played by two teams of 5 players on each team, the players basically bounce the ball on the floor of the court and try to keep the ball from getting snatched by their opponents, and while doing this, they can score goals by tossing the ball into their opponents basket which is about 12 feet above the ground

Okay with so much questions being answered already, let’s get to the nitty gritty of the main topic, which is basketball tips for beginners, don’t forget that if you still have any question regarding basketball you can leave it in the comment section below

Basketball tips for beginners

Basketball tips for shooting

Before you even think of getting started in basketball, you should understand that, shooting is the most important part in basketball, because every now and then, you will be shooting, either passing the ball to your teammate or simply shooting the ball in to the net, so if you want to improve in basketball, then you should spend a lot of time practicing how to shoot better at basketball, that is the main reason why shooting has to come first, because of its importance in the whole process of learning to play basketball

after knowing all that, I’ve made some research to find out the best methods you can follow to improve the way you shoot in basketball, and here are the tips below;

Focus on your target


whenever you are playing, always have a target, don’t be an empty player, always have a target, it may be you want to pass the ball to your teammate or you want to put the ball into the net, or you want today retain the ball, but whatever it is, make sure you have a target, it will increase your accuracy also and it will also help you perform better

Stand balance always

Basketball player standing

Balance is another great aspect of any sport, but especially basketball, when playing you must pay attention to your balance, if you are well balanced, then chances are, you will play better, it will be difficult for your opponents to tackle the ball from you, when playing, make sure your feet is flat on the ground and shoulder apart, unless if you necessarily need to make a move.

Analyze your grip

One of the common mistakes beginners make in basketball is they hold the ball in the wrong way, holding the ball the right way will also increase your accuracy, it will also help you shoot at your desired target, but holding the ball wrongly will cause a lot of mistakes, when holding the ball, make sure the ball is completely held in one hand, make sure the surface of your palm is not resting on the ball, and when bouncing the ball on the ground, make sure you are not slapping the ball with your palm, it will not work, bounce the ball with your fingers instead

Be smooth at delivery

When you are shooting in basketball, make sure you shoot the right way, the ball should never pass behind your head at all, when you release the ball, be sure you use the accurate force, if you want the ball to go far, use enough force to shoot it, but if you want it to go for a short distance, you should shoot it with less effort

Be careful with your upforce

Basketball player scoring goal

One other terrible mistake that makes it hard for beginners to get better at basketball and also keeps most players from improving is they don’t pay close attention to their upforce, when you make a jump, your legs produce a lot of force, make use of the force to give the ball a better shot, don’t wait until you reach your peak before you release the ball, release the ball before you reach the peak of your jump, this will help you apply a lot more force on the ball because you’re still in motion, but once the motion stops, it will be difficult for you to shoot effectively.

Shoot correctly always

Here is the most important part on this little part of the basketball tips for beginners, you know what, if you just know how to shoot in basketball alone, it won’t help, the only thing that will help you is if you try to do the right thing all the time, so now that you’ve seen the tips of shooting better, you need to put it to practice at all times, whenever you want to make a shot, remember the tips you’ve seen on here and then try to do what i tell you, don’t allow yourself to be distracted from this, read the basketball tips for shooting more and more in order to have a more depth understanding of the topic, then after that, try to memorize it whenever you feel like, but do it often, it will help

Read Basketball tips for shooting for more information on how to improve your basketball shooting

Basketball tips for dribbling

Basketball player dribbling his opponent

After shooting, dribbling is the second most important part of basketball, because when you know how to dribble, you will retain the ball more than when you don’t know how to dribble, and you are also going to get more opportunity to make an accurate shot, so after you’ve learnt how to shoot, the second thing you must never skip is learning how to dribble, and if you want to get the complete guide on dribbling skills in basketball, you can check it out here.

Whenever you want to dribble, use your fingers instead of using your palm, because using your palm will result in you slapping the ball which causes a really awkward shot, so whenever you want to bounce the ball on the ground, make sure you don’t use your palm, it’s that simple.

One more tip in basketball dribbling is, you should use your non dribbling arm to defend yourself in order to keep the opponent from tackling the ball from you.

Basketball tips for defense

Basketball player playing defense

Defense in basketball is also another really crucial thing in basketball, just like dribbling, defense will also help you retain the ball from your opponents and open an opportunity for you to make perfect shots that can also help you score more goals and to give perfect passes,

When you are trying to defend yourself, always try to keep your shoulder lower than that of your opponents, this will make it very difficult for them to shade you

Read the complete guide to basketball defense

Basketball tips for short players

One of the funny but reasonable questions being asked is, can short players play basketball?

Because we all know that, basketball players are usually tall, because the taller they are the better chance they have of scoring goals, and it will also make them perform better too, it is reasonable to ask if short people can play basketball, 

And the short is absolutely yes, so if you think you are too short to start playing basketball, you are wrong, although there are things you must know how to do first before you start thinking of going into the tall people’s game,

Here are the things you should consider if you want to improve in basketball as a beginner,

  • Practice long jump
  • Go for jogging more often

Basketball practice plan for beginners

Just as we all know, practice make perfect, so it is good for you as a beginner to have a good plan on working on how to improve in basketball, so for me, the best way to do it is to draw a practice plan of which you will be following everyday, it will also help you manage time as you don’t have to spend the whole day practicing just basketball when you have other things to do, so in my case, i will show you the plan that will really help you practice more and better.

So concerning the plan, here is how you should go about it, create a table of 3 column and 3 rows, the first column should be titled time and day, the second column should contain the subject and the last column should contain the examples, you can use the reference below, feel free to also download and use it anytime you like, after doing that, you should then set alarm on your phone so that it reminds you of whenever it is time for practice

Basketball tips for scoring

Basketball player scoring goal

Scoring may seem like the most important thing that should’ve come first in this list, but I chose to make it number 6 because it deserves to be there, it is the sixth most important thing in learning to play basketball, after you’ve learnt many of the above things that’s when you should start worrying yourself about scoring, because scoring a goal is quite the easiest things to learn in basketball, but dribbling, shooting and so on, they make the game more fun and professional.

Before you try to throw the ball into the net, first relax, take a deep breath and get rid of all the distractions that are bordering you, now, you can score a goal while making a jump, you can also score a goal while still standing on your feet, but here is a thing, never shoot when you are not ready, shoot when you have the full opportunity to, otherwise, just pass the ball to your teammates that are in a more comfortable position.

Basketball tips for shooting guards

If you’ve worked passed the basketball tips for beginners, you may end up becoming one of the shooting guards in your team, even though you are not yet a shooting guard, it is better if you learn the basic skills you will need to maintain that post earlier so that it won’t be a big deal for you when you are finally given that post,

It may seem like a dream which will never come true, but it only requires determination, all you need is to put in your effort and try to do the things that matters most, follow the short below steps to get an idea on basketball tips for shooting guards

Practice your shots

You should spend a lot of time practicing your shots, because that’s your job, spend more time practicing your shots than on any other exercise, and when you are doing this, you can pay attention to your coach too, he may help you with more tips

Know how to handle the ball

Handling the ball is another very important thing a shooting guard most know, a shooting guard most know how to dribble really well with both hands and at the same time still be able to pass the ball to teammates

Practice more

I can’t say this enough, and you won’t ever stop hearing it, because that’s the truth, if you want to get better, then you should never stop for a day thinking that you’ve become better, you must keep practicing day by day

Basketball tips for fingers

Fingers holding basketball

Just as I’ve told you before, your fingers are what you should always use to control the ball, don’t ever use your palm, it will cause you a lot of bad shots, and to perform better with your fingers you need to master how to use them effectively, because when you’re holding the ball, when you want to dribble, when you want to score, you must use your fingers in order to get the maximum result.

Here are some few tips to help you master the use of your fingers in playing basketball, stretch out your both hands in front of you, pass the ball from one hand to the other but don’t allow the ball to touch the surface of your palm, then try to pass the ball through your legs from one hand to the other, then behind your back, then still use your fingers to bounce the ball on the floor, and finally, score goals using your fingers for several times.

Basketball tips for jump shots

Jump shots are amazing, most people prefer making jump shots whenever they want to score goal because it reduces the chances of the ball being tackled by the opponents, when you make a jump shot, it becomes really easy for you to score because you are in a more open environment which is the air, high above all your opponents,

Here are some few tips to help you perform better at jump shots; 

Learn to jump high 

Because jump shots are all about jumping at a higher height, this means you need to practice how to jump high in order to be sure you will get the maximum result out of your effort. If you want to learn how to jump high, then look no further, check out this paid service that everybody is talking about

Learn to focus

Before you will be able to score from that height, you also need to develop a good focus, if you know how to stay focused on a target, and then it will be easy for you to score the goals, first of all lock your target at the rim, and then try to deliver the ball into the basket.

Basketball tips for jumping

Basketball player jumping

Basketball is all about making jumps every now and then, and making high jump is the most crucial part of this, so it will make perfect sense if you learn to improve your jump height while learning the basketball tips for beginners, so here are some few tips that will help you followed by a paid guide that will help you learn to jump high in a short period of time.

Jump rope

Jump rope will help you, because you usually make jumps frequently when doing it, if you want to improve your jump then include jump rope into your daily exercise, it will help

Calf raises

These exercises will help you also, it will help you exercise your calves, this is how to do it, as you can see on the picture below, that’s exactly how to do it


Jumping high is also another important thing here, this is important because the more you do it, the more experienced you become in it, when practicing, create some free time for jumping too.


So those are the basketball tips for beginners, I will keep on researching on this particular topic and keep updating it, so feel free to check it out anytime, because with this, you can always find new and improved tactic to improve in basketball, don’t forget that the comment box is for you, express yourself below, if you have any question regarding basketball, don’t hesitate to leave it below.

One important thing you should do is this, simply subscribe to my email list by clicking here, when you do this, anytime I publish new article, you will be notified, so that you don’t miss on any important thing, please, share this article with someone that may find it useful, 

Okay bye for now!