Basketball Tips for Short Players

Basketball players playing on the court

One of the biggest illusion in basketball is that, being a short basketball player has a lot of advantages, most people even make jest of short basketball players, this have made many short players to lose faith in themselves, many would even start to think of moving into another sport, meanwhile, 

Also read: The beginners guide to playing basketball, Learn how shoot a basketball better
They love basketball, now, if you are a short person, can you really perform well? The big and honest answer is a big yes, and in this article, I am going to share with you, the best basketball tips for short players,
so if you’ve been losing hope in basketball because of your height, 

this article will have a great impact in your basketball career, so take this opportunity and read to the end, you are going to find a lot of motivation and useful tips that will help you perform well and even better next time you step your foot on the court.

Does height matters in basketball?

The big and most honest answer to this is "NO" one sure thing about this is, they both have advantages and disadvantages, so they become the same thing, because they cancel each other, you are going to find a lot of advantages in being a short basketball player in a few minutes, but if you have been having the believe that height matters in basketball then it is time for you to get rid of that belief.

Is there any advantage of being a short basketball player?

There are a lot of advantages of being a short basketball players of course, even if most people won’t tell you, and i am going to show them one by one and you are also going to see the proofs for yourself, remember i said being short and being tall both has advantages and disadvantages?, that’s right, and below are the advantages of being a short basketball player

You have speed

A man riding a bike

Do you know how powerful speed is when it comes to performing well at basketball? You probably do, and if you don’t, you can Google it, I will wait, speed is one of the most important aspects of playing basketball, and the truth has been kept from you for a very long time, 

the truth is, short people are a lot faster than tall people, a tall person has disadvantage when it comes to speed in basketball, although, some tall players are also good in speed, but every short player has more speed than a tall player, so you see, being short have the advantage of speed, so seize this opportunity and take advantage of your speed in basketball,

You have short range of motion

When I say this I mean, every move you make on the court is a little bit quicker for you, this means, every shot, reach, dribble, etc, you need to move lesser than a taller person will have to

You are more stable

It is not a fairy tale that the more closely you are to the ground the more you are stable, this is pure physics, and being closer to the ground will give you a lot more balance than being, tall, that explains why tall skyscrapers will fall while a short building will keep still, 

lol, seems like we are moving more into science, let’s get back on track, so for you to be a short basketball player, it is an advantage for you because you have a lot more balance than a short player, take advantage of this.

The best basketball tips for short basketball players

Take advantage of your shortness

I have given you 3 advantages of being a short basketball player so it is your turn to take advantage of all these things, I cant say this enough, being a short player has a lot of value, you can turn those mockers into your fan, but you can’t do that if you keep worrying yourself of your height,

Come out bold and use your advantage to your full potential, take advantage of your speed, take advantage of your balance and take advantage of your range of motion.

Dribble hard

Because you are speedy, it is time for you to take advantage of it, whenever you posses the ball, dribble hard, dribble the taller persons, but whenever you are being approached by a short person, get rid of the ball, when dribbling, use your speed to dribble the hell out of your opponents, 

And it won’t be long before you start hearing people screaming your name, all those mockeries won’t have anything to mock about you, because you’re making use of your speed like crazy

Read: Basketball tips for dribbling

Become a supportive player

One of the best ways to gain respect and love from your teammates is by supporting them, whoever you support will have this great feeling that you want the best for them, and the moment they know this, they will continue to love and respect that, so as you’re trying to become better, also help your teammates.

Defend like hell

Defending will also make your coach and fans to love you more, because you are short and fast, players will always develop fear when they have you coming to them for attack, as a short player, do your best to defend and help your teammates as a whole. If you want to know how to defend then read this my recent article titled Basketball tips for defense that works

Easily pass the ball

One of the disadvantages of being a short basketball player is that, you don’t have that much accuracy in shooting, because you will easily be hindered by a taller player, but there is always a way around it, just like people will say; there are different ways to tie a tie, and so there are different ways to get around this, the best way is to pass the ball to the ones that have more advantage than you at the time,

Whenever the ball is in your position, try to look around for someone in a good position and if there is any tall attacker coming towards you, you should quickly pass the ball out to the taller person, this will give your team more advantage to score more goals or perhaps win the match.

How to play basketball as a short person

After reading this piece if you still have this doubt, then I think the best way to get rid of that doubt is to get out of your comfort zone, do what you are scared to do, that’s what makes you a brave person, even if it looks like a fairy tale, you should just give it a try, don’t be afraid.

Remember to always take advantage of everything you’ve got, give it your all, and I bet you are going to see the result for yourself, i cant force you to do this, but you can force yourself to do it. So it depends on you now

Related: Basketball tips and tricks you should know


so that’s all you need to know about the basketball tips for short players, if you have any question or contribution or you simply want to say thanks then you can do that in the comment section below, don’t forget to share this article with others too.