The Top 5 Basketball Tips You Need to Improve

Basketball players playing

Everyone wants to improve in anything they do, and as basketball player, you will be asking yourself,  what are the top tips I need to improve in the way I play basketball, I’ve made a short research on the topic and decided to share with you the top 5 basketball tips you need to improve,

Also read: The complete guide for beginners in basketball

So if you’re in anyway interested in knowing the top basketball tips every basketball player would need to improve, then I invite you to stay for while on this page, because I am going to show you exactly just that,
And in addition, I’ve also included some other answers to some basketball troubling question all in this teeny weenie article, so I am sure you’re gonna love it,

The top 5 basketball tips you need to improve

1. Dribbling

Basketball player dribbling

Dribbling is the best part in basketball, this is how a player is seen as a professional player, if you know how to dribble really well, then chances are, you will be known as a good player, there are a lot of advantages attached to improving dribbling in basketball, and here they are

More goals

If you know how to dribble, scoring more goals will become a lot easier, because, literally, the only things that normally keeps you from scoring goals is your opposition, and you tackle those opposition when you know how to dribble.

More possession

I guess I don’t need to state this, but anyway, what harm will it cause? If you know how to dribble, then you will be able to gain more possession, because, whenever an opponent come to snatch the ball from you, you will be able get passed the opponent which means the ball will remain in your possession.

Loved by fans

Who doesn’t love fans? I bet everyone does love fans, and in basketball, your dribbling skills will enable to build more fan base, how will it feel like when you here the crowd rumbling your name whenever you possess the ball, I guess you can clearly see the feelings.

2. Shooting

Basketball player shooting

Shooting is the second most important thing in the top 5 basketball tips you need to improve, what sense will it make if you know how to dribble but don’t know how to shoot? You can’t be passing the ball all the time to your teammates in order to help your team score more goals

You must know how to shoot properl.y in order to have the complete success in basketball game, a good basketball player should be able to score a goal freely all the time he/possesses the ball, and most of all, you can’t be a rofessional basketball player when you don’t know how to shoot.
Here the importance of shooting in basketball

Accurate passing

If you know how to shoot properly in basketball, then making accurate passing wont be big deal to you, you will be surprised to see that, each time you make a pass, it will get to the teammate successfully without any setback, accurate passing will also make your teammates to love you, because the more you create a good opportunity for them to score goals the more they will love you, so you see, theres a good reason to improve the way you shoot in basketball

Score more goals

Just as it will become easy for you to make accurate passes, it will also be a lot easier for you to score more goals, because if you shoot the ball at the basket, it will fall exactly into the basket, instead of going elsewhere like you used to do.

3. Running

Basketball player running

Running is another great factor in the game of basketball, you need to improve your running if you want to become better at basketball, because unlike many other sports like marathon, soccer, football and etcetera, in basketball, you don’t need to run to a far distance.

You only run when you have a clear direction and destination, you don’t run often when playing basketball, so it is a lot different from many other sports, you need to learn to run better when playing, because it will really be of help to you.


Basketball player passing ball

Just as you know, passing is very important in basketball, because you’re not always going to be able to deliver a good result, which passing the ball to your teammate will help, a lot, because instead of playing bad, you’ve created a room for passing which may turn out to be a good choice.
If you’re unable to score a goal from your position, you can easily pass the ball to your teammates who have better possibility of scoring, this will also make your fans happy and also help your team score a goal

5. Jumping

A basketball player jumping high

Just as everyone will confirm, jumping is one of the most basic basketball tips, in fact, whenever some people here of basketball, they only picture people making high jump and trying to shoot a ball into a net high above the ground, if you can’t jump, then basketball is literally not for you.

You need to be able to make high jumps in order to improve in the way you play basketball, especially when you are near your opponent's post and trying to score a goal, with making a good jump, it will be almost impossible for you to score a goal at that time, take a look at Kobe Bryant, his high jump is one of the skills that gave him the millions of fans he's got.

Signs of a good basketball player

A good basketball player is known through the signs that is included in the way they play, and here are some few signs that you are a good basketball player; 

You play by the rules, you are applying more efforts than many of your teammates, you improve your weakness,

If this signs are seen in a player, this is to say that, the player is decent and is experienced in the game,

How do you become a good basketball player?

there are a lot of things you must do if you want to become a good basketball player, and these things are, practicing more often, watching DVD’s of your favorite players, reading blogs and listening to basketball affirmations, while doing this, you should also get yourself a good coach, because coaches will really be of help in your basketball career,

How can I improve my jump height in basketball?

As you probably know, jumping is very important in basketball, take a look at Kobe Bryant, he is able to get those millions of fans because of the height of his jump,

he is amazing when it comes to jumping high, and this have given him the opportunity to score a lot of goals, you can acquire this same thing if you are able to learn how to jump high too, if you want to improve your jump height

There is a guide that will teach you all you need to know in order to acquire that high jump that you love, the guide have been tested and trusted by thousands of other basketball players and i bet you are also going to benefit from it too, you can check it out here


So those are the top 5 basketball tips you need to improve, i will advise you to read it more than once in order to get the best out of it, if you are a basketball lover, then I am inviting you to visit this blog often because i do publish articles and guides to help you improve in the game of basketball

so feel free to stop by at anytime to see if i have publish any new article, or better still, sign up to my email list and you will receive notifications anytime i publish new guide on the blog, if you have any question you would like to get answer for, feel free to leave it in the comments section of the post, good luck!