How to Get Better at Basketball Shooting

Basketball player making a shot

Do you perform poorly in basketball shooting? or you are just eager to improve your shooting? if yes is your answer then you are in the right place, i will disclose to you, the best tips that will teach you how to get better at basketball shooting.

first, this topic may seem like it only belongs to beginners in basketball, but if that’s what you are thinking, then you need to think otherwise, 

whether you are an intermediate or a professional basketball player, you also need some tips that will help you perform better, so this article will go a long way for you only if you will give me some few minutes of your time.

Okay so if you are still reading at this moment, you are serious about knowing how to get better at basketball shooting, so without wasting your time, let’s cut the fluff and get right into the meat of this article.

The importance of shooting in basketball

Shooting is the most important thing in basketball, if you think otherwise, then give us your reasons in the comment section below, and if you want prove, here is why we think shooting is the most important thing in basketball;

In whatever you do in basketball, whether it is shooting, dribbling, passing or whatever, all of these things cannot be accurately achieved without shooting,
Which means shooting is everything, I didn’t even mention scoring a goal, and you can’t score a single goal without first learning how to shoot, 

So if you are looking for ways to improve in anything that you do in basketball, you should consider shooting the most important. I hope you get my point, if not, feel free to express yourself in the comment section

5 tips to get better at basketball shooting

Locate your target on time

Locating your target on time, will go a long way, if you are able to locate your target on time, then you will give your brain more time to calculate distance and focus, so whenever you are about to make a shot, try to lock your target some seconds before that time

Keep your fist relaxed

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to shoot basketball is when you finish with a tense fist, it will negatively impact your accuracy, so whenever you are about to shoot, always try to keep your fist relaxed as possible.

Shoot before you reach your peak

Most beginners try to copy Kobe Bryant, meanwhile, trying to copy your idol is not a bad thing, but trying to do everything they do is totally insane, Kobe is a freak and you all know that,
so don’t try to do whatever you see him doing, you have your own specialty just like everyone else, so just forget about trying to jump or dribble like anyone, release the ball before you get to your peak

Increase your jump height

This may sound crazy to you but hey, it is absolutely possible for you to increase your jump height, ive personally seen someone does it,
And what is it can you do to increase your jump height, is it a kind of magic? hell not, check it out here, you are going to see a lot of testimonies about that particular tip, you are going to increase your jump height for sure after using that tip

Read blogs

One of the biggest things that people often ignore is reading, when you read, especially when you are alone, you are going to understand what the author is trying to pass to you as the reader,
in fact, 

i knew the importance of reading that’s why i created this blog, to help you improve in the way you play basketball through reading, Reading blogs like Thetermbasketball will help you a lot,
there are other basketball blogs you can read, 

but going with only one wont solve that much problem, but mixing things up will surely do, so spend more time reading basketball blogs and you are going to get great insight

Watch videos

Watching basketball videos as you know will really help you, i bet you already are watching them, but just in case you don’t know how important they are, let me tell you, watching those YouTube videos and DVDs will surely help you, so try visiting YouTube and electronic shops and buy some videos, watch them and try to improve

Use one of those return devices

Return devices will really help you as you are learning how to get better at basketball shooting, why? when you are practicing, you are expected to spend more time on the court, 

but think about this, if you keep running after the ball after each shot how long can you last? it will burn you out completely before you know it, but with a return device, 

you can save a lot of energy and use them in your practice, i hope you understand now, you should check the devices on amazon through this link, 

Note: if you make a purchase of that device will earn a little commission with no additional cost to you, i mean, that’s how i was able to keep all the wonderful contents free on this blog for you to enjoy, and besides, i wont advertise any worthless thing to you, so feel free to check it out.

How long will it take to get better at basketball shooting?

When it comes to the time; how long it will take you to get better at basketball shooting, my answer will be, it depends on you, why did I say that? 

Some people are slow learners, and some are fast learners, so it depends on which category you find yourself, if you find yourself to be a slow learner like myself, 

Then in my case, it will take you about 3 months of continual practice to start seeing any improvement in the way you shoot, but if you are a fast learner, you should expect to see impressive result in a few weeks

Also read:

Basketball tips for tryouts

The basketball tips you need

Final thoughts on how to get better at basketball shooting

Okay, now what? After spending your precious time reading through this article, will you like to see improvement or not, i bet you want to see result, 

But do you know that if you don’t take it serious and put it to practice you will almost see no result? that’s right, if you just forget about everything you read here, what benefits will you get, i urge you to go to the court and start practicing what you’ve learned on this page,

do you have any questions regarding basketball? lets help you find answer to it, just use the comment section of the post to ask your question or share your thoughts on this, and don’t forget to share this article with others too, have a good day!